Tucker Carlson: “Undermining Christianity is the central project of the left”

Christianity has always stood as a bulwark against radical and totalitarian ideologies, and that's why the left hates it.

Last updated on May 19th, 2022 at 05:32 am

Last week a draft Supreme Court opinion was leaked to the press that, if finalized, would overturn Roe v. Wade and return the abortion issue to the fifty states to decide. And the Left immediately went apoplectic. They protested, in violation of the law prohibiting intimidation of judges, at the houses of the Catholic Supreme Court Justices who allegedly supported the draft opinion. They viciously harassed people attending mass at Catholic churches across the country, including at St. Patrick’s in New York City. They firebombed the building of a Christian pro-life advocacy organization in Wisconsin and spray painted on it the message: “If abortions aren’t safe, they you aren’t either.” They stole the sacred tabernacle from a Catholic church in Texas. The radical pro-abortion group Ruth Sent Us announced to Catholics across the country: “Stuff your rosaries and your weaponized prayer. We will be burning the Eucharist [presence of Christ] to show our disgust for the abuse of Catholic churches have condoned for centuries.”

So this is all about trying to get the five Catholic Supreme Court justices who supported the draft opinion overturning Roe to change their vote, right? But Tucker Carlson in his monologue on May 9, 2022, says a resounding “No!”:

“[T]his isn’t just about intimidating Supreme Court justices, five of them, into changing their views on Roe v. Wade. It’s about attacking Christianity because Christianity stands in their way… So, they’re mad, not really just at Alito [Catholic Supreme Court Justice who wrote the draft opinion], but at Christianity and Christians, believers, people of faith. They have been for a long time….”

Tucker notes that it is ironic that leftists hate Christianity because it has been the staunchest promoter of human rights throughout the world:

“Why are liberals angry at Christianity? You wouldn’t think they would be. Christianity has been the single greatest force for human rights in history. In fact, the Western understanding of human rights, our understanding of human rights, all of us, atheists included, is based on Christianity. That’s where it comes from. Christianity is the reason we don’t have slavery and segregation and children working in factories. Christians did that. So, if you’re a sincere liberal, it would seem odd to hate Christians.”

But hate Christians the Left does. Indeed, leftists throughout history have always hated Christians. Why? Tucker explains:

“But the [leftist] totalitarians always do hate Christians. The Soviets killed the priests first, so did Mao. During the Spanish Civil War, the Communists subjected a statue of Jesus to a symbolic execution in front of a firing squad. It was one of the first things they did within weeks of the war breaking out…Modern liberals hate Christianity, not because it’s repressive, but because they are. Any religion that puts God before government is by definition a threat to their power.”

In particular, modern radicals hate Christianity because of its claim that all people are made in the image and likeness of God and hence are equal. Tucker writes:

“Most offensive of all, Christianity specifically rejects their most cherished dogma, which is racial hierarchy. The Christian message is the opposite of the equity agenda. Christianity describes a universal brotherhood of man, every person created in God’s image and therefore, for that reason, morally equal. That is gravely disempowering for the left. If all people are morally equal, you can’t really divide your population by skin color. You can’t really set one group against another. You can’t tell one group you’re better than that group, you’re worse than that group. That’s not allowed. So, in order to allow it, you have to erase Christianity, and they’ve been working on it for a long time.”

Tucker then calls out the left for trying to erase the Christian character of Martin Luther King, Jr., in the name of equity:

“Ever notice how they call Martin Luther King, ‘Dr.’, but not ‘Reverend?’ King was not a physician. He was a Christian preacher. They’d like you to forget that. Undermining Christianity is the central project of the left because it stands in their way.”

So there you have it. The Left has lost its mind over a leaked draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn its central tenet, that abortion is a sacred right protected by the Constitution. And while radicals have been trying to intimidate the Supreme Court justices who supported the draft opinion, the real goal of the Left is to destroy Christianity, which stands athwart its agenda, as Christianity has always done in regard to radical ideologies. Let’s hope that more people see the Left for what it is and rise up to defend Christianity, the last bulwark of human rights and freedom in the world.

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