Transgender adolescents: a new fashion?

The consequences for a minor undergoing this sex change process are terrible and lifelong. Then there is no turning back.

Sonia was 16 years old when everyone helped her transition. No one questioned her, and her friends and family thought she was happy.

Several years later, at the present age of 23, she has no breast, no ovaries, no uterus, and she hasn’t kept her name on the registry.

The only thing that hasn’t changed is her increasing mental health problems.

Now that she does not identify as a boy, no one is helping her.

Both she and her family feel desperate and alone in this situation.

With the exception of a fictitious name, this is a true story, one of the hundreds and hundreds that are increasingly coming to light and that can be found on the page of the parents’ group AMANDA.[1] Many families face the so-called Accelerated Dysphoria or Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) in their minor children who self-identify as “trans” or “non-binary.” The peculiarity is that it arises suddenly.

The parents want the best for their children but are faced with doubts and fears that no one can resolve. Adolescents who do not identify with their biological sex are presented with the only solution of being referred to the institute’s LGTBIQ orientation team, which does not provide full information to their parents, or to the Gender or Transsexuality and Gender Identity Unit, where they begin the transition process. There they are told they have the right to hormone treatment. At no time are they concerned about the child’s background or mental situation.

Medical professionals and psychologists have their hands tied or are unwilling to oppose this gender dictatorship. Minors are allowed to undergo hormone treatment and surgery without having to submit a report outlining the possible causes of the child’s discomfort.

Many adolescents who suffer from nonconformity with their biological sex present a series of mental illnesses: eating disorders such as anorexia, low self-esteem, borderline personality disorder, depression, or autism, or they have had suicide attempts or self-harm. There are also cases of those who have suffered sexual abuse or who do not accept their bodies and have been bullied. There are even those who have high abilities with socialization difficulties.

When a minor undergoes this sex change process, the consequences are terrible and lifelong. Then there is no turning back.

The drastic increase in the number of adolescents requesting a sex change is clearly a sign that this is a social contagion, as a result of the information that reaches them through social networks, their group of friends and even schools. For example, in Madrid, the Gender Identity Unit has seen a 500% increase in requests for care between 2017 and 2019, most of them from very young girls. But like all global fashions, other countries are already ahead of us. In Great Britain this increase has been 4000% between 2009 and 2018.

We must be more vigilant than ever to save our children from the clutches of this ideological monster.

It is clear that transsexuality in minors is a fad, but its physical and moral wounds are marked in children forever.

You can find more information about the harm of gender ideology in my book 99 Responses in the Face of Gender Ideology. A guide with a Christian perspective from adolescence. Contact us at: beatrizmf@asociació


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