There’s a social contagion from transgenderism and parents are the first to fight it

Encouragement of transgenderism and non-binarism, and moving toward carnivalesque and outlandish and hitherto unknown genders have increased dramatically across Western countries.

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Years from now we will ask ourselves, and our children and grandchildren will ask us, why we allowed these abuses against them. We always remember that we, parents, are primarily responsible to our children, and we demand that the state does not promote this terrible contagion. Many Western states and governments, from the Biden Administration in the US to Trudeau’s Canadian government to that of Spain’s Sanchez, are behaving the opposite of what they did with regard to the COVID 19 pandemic, when they ‘shut us up’ and locked us in our homes to prevent contagion; now, however, they are actively promoting trans and LGBTQI+ contagion among our children and youth. Pure madness.

Between social media and trendy gender theories, we are making teenage girls depressed, anxious and trans. Marci Bowers, president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, told the progressive journalist of the New York Times Michelle Goldberg: “There are people in my community who deny that there is some kind of ‘social contagion’ – I shouldn’t say social contagion, but at least peer influence on some of these decisions. I think that’s not recognizing human behavior.”

Trans activists and much of the left consider that young people are not suggestible. A false assumption, since we all know that a great deal of our behavior, especially from the teenage years up to our 30s, is very much influenced by our friends, social mores and, recently, social media. Encouragement of transgenderism and non-binarism, and moving toward carnivalesque and outlandish and hitherto unknown genders have increased dramatically across Western countries. We are facing an attempt at mass brain washing of teenagers throughout the West, and in most cases the policy makers of our states are either complicit protagonists or fearful spectators of this moral and psychological genocide. Celebrities must be non-binary or celebrate transgenderism to be hailed by the media. Schools have started teaching pupils from an early age, and without telling parents, about gender fluidity, the promoters of ‘gender’ do nothing but denounce the oppressive climate against them only to stigmatize and criminalize all who defend human biological nature, and biblical and divine design and science.

Recently, a major study has begun to measure how and what social and familial factors influence the spread of the very dangerous epidemic of transgenderism in the Western world. Published on March 29, the paper Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parent Reports on 1655 Possible Cases tells us how parents are among the major players in supporting dysphoria and promoting transgenderism in sons and especially daughters. The findings also state that “pre-existing mental health problems were common, but so was high intelligence. Most young people had changed their pronouns, and most of these changes were cross-gender rather than neutral. Social transition was much more common than medical transition. Immersion in both social media and peer groups with other youths with transgender identities was found… gender dysphoria of native males was reported to be 1.9 years later than females and that native males were much less likely than females to have engaged in social transition.”

Two things must be clear: Parents are responsible for their children and their upbringing, and the state must not only respect the basic rights of parents but also combat (not foster or spread) social contagions such as genderism and transgenderism. Human rights are at stake, as well as the public, moral and civil health of nations.

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