Extending the Right to Die? by Nicole King July 16, 2020 0 1.1k What if we are wrong about suffering?
Grim Reapers: When Man Plays God by Nicole King April 30, 2020 0 869 When man begins to play God, deciding who shall live and who shall die, we are bound to see such ...
Coronavirus, Euthanasia and Eugenics by Miša Djurković April 9, 2020 0 1.1k For fans of euthanasia, doesn't coronavirus have the same effect: that of reducing the “unproductive” population?
A New Beginning for Life and Family by Marco Respinti January 22, 2020 0 1.7k Abortion, euthanasia, divorce, LGBT+ ideology, drugs. But there is still hope. And good people. We muster them.