Spain: Equality campaign with explicit images of women having sex

The ad campaign constitutes unlawful advertising and contains explicit sex references, in violation of two laws.

The Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers filed an appeal with the Ministry of Equality against the campaign “Now that you see us, let’s talk”, a series of advertisements promoted by the government in the wake of 8 March. It also requested interim measures to suspend the broadcasting of the advertisement.

The lawyers’ organization denounced the campaign for unlawful advertising under Article 3 of the General Advertising Law, considering that these ads are contrary to the dignity of the person, that they objectify women and promote sexist stereotypes. It further claims that the images and videos contain explicit sex references and therefore violate the Audiovisual Communication Law.

The Foundation noted that this is only the first step and that, if the campaign is not withdrawn, once the administrative process has been exhausted, it will go to court.

The president of Christian Lawyers, Polonia Castellanos, stated that the campaign of the Ministry of Equality, led by Irene Montero, includes in its visual formats the image of the communist fist. Castellanos criticized this, saying that it is “inadmissible that, in these difficult economic times for so many families, the government wastes money on imposing its ideology and self-promotion, breaking the law at the same time”.

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