Sixth booster shot in Canada: Jordan Peterson refuses

"I got vaccinated because I naively believed that the woke coercive ones would leave me alone after that. They fooled me once..."

Jordan Peterson/Image: Flickr, Gage Skidmore

Canadian psychologist and cultural commentator Jordan Peterson said he will not be “fooled” into getting a sixth (!) booster shot against coronavirus, according to a tweet.

“How about ‘over my dead body’?” tweeted Peterson on Friday in response to Canadian Health Minister Dr. Theresa Tam’s statement last Friday that Canadians should receive their sixth booster shot.

“We still have a long way to go,” Tam said about persuading Canadians to get another coronavirus shot, pointing out that uptake of the booster is low even among the population over 65.

Peterson was responding to a Twitter post by Dr. Eli David, who calls himself one of the “100 most influential Twitter accounts.”

David tweeted last Wednesday, “I got 2021 COVID vaccine because I believed the claimed clinical trial results and trusted the FDA.”

“But looking at mountains of evidence since then, I no longer believe I made the right decision. These injections are much more dangerous and much less effective than claimed,” he added.

David and Peterson’s comments on the coronavirus vaccination come just after the CDC released safety data on the COVID vaccines showing “highly concerning” evidence of adverse effects from the mRNA-based vaccines.

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