Six months jail sentence in Canada, for not towing the ‘transgender’ line

A Vancouver, BC man is in a jail cell today because it is now a criminal offence to speak out against "gender ideology".

In the Canadian National Anthem ring the words, “the true north, strong and free”.

And it pains me as a Canadian to say that “the north”… my native land, is no longer strong or free, because it has sold truth down the river without a paddle.

That point has been recently hammered home thanks to an activist judge in British Columbia. A Canadian father is in jail today for simply doing as any loving parent would do; protecting one’s child from clear and present danger.

On Friday, April 16th, Rob Hoogland – a postman from Vancouver, British Columbia – was handed a 6 months jail term. His crime? Calling his daughter “she” and “her”, railing against “gender ideology” indoctrination his child was being subjected to at school, and defending his child from medical assault being imposed on his family by the state.

Hoogland is in jail today for those “crimes”. But he has been a prisoner for much longer.

Well before Hoogland was a prisoner in a Vancouver jail cell from March 16th to April 12th, awaiting trial.

Well before Hoogland surrendered himself to the court March 16th in response to the BC Attorney General’s ruling of contempt of court.

And even before a most dishonourable Judge Michael Tammen issued the warrant for his arrest on March 4th.

Rob Hoogland has been a prisoner of the “system” going back to 2015. It was then that things started to unravel for him and his young family, as he explained in a talk held last October.

(Amazingly, you can still find the video on YouTube, where Hoogland chronicles his Orwellian journey. It is hosted by a Jenn Smith who identifies as a bisexual trangender male but is against “transgender ideology” and B.C.’s LGBT–inclusive SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) resources in schools.)

To summarize, Hoogland and his estranged wife – whom he divorced in the spring of 2015 – were concerned for their then 5th-grade daughter who was getting into trouble at school. The parents consented to having their daughter speak to a school counselor. Unbeknownst to Mr. Hoogland, his daughter would spend the next two years meeting with school counsellors and in grade 7, his daughter cut her hair very short. It was at the end of that school year that Hoogland noticed that his daughter was listed in her yearbook under a male name. What had been happening is that the school had been feeding Hoogland’s daughter a steady diet of transgender ideology. The girl had already begun “transitioning” to a male under the supervision of psychologist Wallace Wong who had referred her to an endocrinologist at the Gender Clinic at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver.

Again, all of this in the absence of parental consent involving a minor.

Who is Wallace Wong? How else can you describe him other than a quack pawning himself off as a psychologist.

You have a boy who wants to go by “Mulan” or some other Disney character? If you’re a parent, don’t start asking some serious questions. Wong strongly advocates for the child to affirm in his delusion. But not to change female cartoon character names more than five or six times in a month because.. well… that’s crazy. Or some such nonsense.

If you think I’m being flippant, you may want to read this account for yourself. But be warned; it is truly disturbing. Including the part where Wong says pro gender-bending parents may want to nudge their kids into pulling “a stunt” like threaten suicide. You’ll find it on page 69 and 70 of the transcripts of an event held on February 28th, 2019 at Vancouver Public Library where Wong was a speaker –

But Wallace Wong isn’t in jail. Rob Hoogland is.

And Hoogland is up against a storm of opposition which includes his wife who, along with Canadian legal and medical systems, continues to forge ahead into transitioning her daughter into a male – both socially and medically. And that doesn’t even take into account the constant barrage from schoolmates, mainstream media, pop culture, and a Marxian education system that put this troubled girl down a road from where there is no return… and her father behind bars.

The SOGI “inclusive” “education” videos certainly played a part. By the time Rob Hoogland had attended that first visit to the endocrinologist with his daughter, the cards were well stacked against him. The doctor laid out the plan to medically “change” his 13-year old girl into a boy. Hoogland said “no”. He said his girl had told him she was a lesbian. She was just going through a phase. He also told the doctor that his girl had already had two extremely uncomfortable run-ins with the school and his daughter’s infatuation with two separate male teachers. Hoogland was also beside himself having to have dealt with his child’s suicide attempt in Grade 8; this, after the child had been “affirming” herself as a boy.

And yet, the message we keep hearing from all corners is that allowing children to “transition” saves lives.

We don’t hear about the estimated 85% of children who stop believing they are opposite sex once puberty ends.

We don’t hear about psychologists like Kirsty Entwistle who are deeply concerned about the negative effects of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones on children and adolescents. That is, unless, we are hearing them castigated on social and mainstream media as bigots or “transphobic”. And we certainly did hear that of Dr. Entwistle who has since been forced from… err… left GIDS and is now practicing in Portugal.

But the message in British Columbia is loud. And it is clear.

Just ask Rob Hoogland.

You may have to wait six months, though.

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