President Biden makes sign of the cross during pro-abortion comments in Florida

President Biden, a “practicing Catholic”, has drawn criticism for appearing to make the sign of the cross, a religious gesture common among Catholics, while listening to pro-abortion comments made by a Democrat in Florida. This took place during a speech by the Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried, who criticized a proposed law in Florida to limit abortion to six weeks of gestation.

Observers, including several Catholic groups, suggested President Biden’s gesture was mocking and disrespectful, specifically toward the Catholic Church’s strong anti-abortion teachings. Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America and CatholicVote President Brian Burch both expressed displeasure over Biden’s action, which they described as trivializing the sanctity of life.

This incident follows a recent Pew Research poll revealing most Americans are unconvinced by Biden’s claims of being a devout Catholic. The Catholic Church’s Catechism affirms the moral evil of every procured abortion, a teaching it maintains has not changed and remains immutable. The White House has yet to comment on the matter.

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