Normalizing Pedophilia

In all cases, the so-called Overton window was used to normalize a taboo.

Last updated on October 8th, 2020 at 10:24 am

As far back as 30 years ago, in his last book, the great Polish thinker Leszek Kołakowski noticed that almost all taboos of this civilization have been undermined and abolished, and that only incest and pedophilia remain. In all cases, the so-called Overton window was used to normalize a taboo. An idea or a phenomenon that was once unthinkable and taboo is first introduced as something radical, but something that can be conceived, though it is still treated as too extreme. The next stage implies bringing the phenomenon into the sphere of something acceptable, though the majority of people may still be repelled by it. The acceptable then becomes sensible, is introduced into mainstream channels, and then moves on to become popular, on which basis public policies are created to protect and promote this practice. Take homosexuality as an example – it is easy to see how it evolved over the past 70 years and reached the position it currently occupies in public policy. 

The popular culture played the key and dominant role in this. Portraying homosexualism in books, movies, television series and music videos has come a long way from a rare occurrence to something that is required – with the process recently climaxing in the totalitarian decision by the Academy of Arts and Sciences according to which movies that do not promote these queer policies and “minority groups” will not be eligible to compete for the Oscars. There are no single-party or totalitarian regimes able to impose such a form of madness. Popular culture is being completely instrumentalized and put into the service of meticulously defined Trotskyist politics.

The same processes have been set into motion when it comes to incest. The most influential medium of contemporary pop culture – TV series – is on a mission to make us accustomed to occurrences of incestual relationships by bringing this practice from the area of the unthinkable to the domain of the radical. Game of Thrones, by all accounts the most viewed serial, begins by showing the viewers a sexual encounter between siblings, only to reveal very soon that they already have three children together. In literature this process has been underway for decades, from The One Hundred Years of Solitude to The God of Small Things, etc.

Normalization of pedophilia continues on other fronts, too. Readers will remember that one of the most respected and appreciated books in the previous century featured an elderly gentleman engaging in orgies with a 12-year-old girl in hotels. Nabokov’s story was rendered into a movie on two occasions, by Stanley Kubrick and Adrian Lyne, both of whom are leading Hollywood directors.

The North American Man and Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) has been active in the States since 1978, advocating for decriminalization of homosexual pedophilia. They believe that the age limit should be abolished, thus allowing, e.g. a nine-year-old boy to freely engage in a sexual relationship with a 50-year-old man. Some ten years ago, a political party was formed in the Holland with the main objective of lowering the age limit so that adults and children could “freely” engage in sexual intercourse. 

When we are aware of such background, it comes as no surprise that this whole group has launched an even more aggressive campaign to bring pedophilia from the realm of the unthinkable (and unshowable) to the radical and merely provocative. Readers of this portal were able to see at least a portion of the uproar that was raised by the creepy Netflix project, filmed in France – Cuties. The story about an 11-year-old Muslim girl waging a war against her tradition, culture and heritage by performing a “modern dance” with her friends is by far the most explicit demonstration of pedophilia and an incentive for normalizing pedophilia we have ever seen on screen to date. As a side “bonus”, we were also able to see that this type of modern dancing, which involves twerking and similar coital moves, is in fact a plain, straightforward imitation of sexual and homosexual intercourse. What black prostitutes created in ghettos as their “subculture” has now become a model for children in all corners of the world. As far as Serbia is concerned, this is promoted on the United Group’s IDJTV channel, a serious competition to the reality-show satanism broadcast on Pink and Happy TV, channels with national frequency in Serbia. 

The audience is shown ghastly scenes in which teenage girls torture and twist their bodies while imitating moves typical for sexual intercourse, and learn how to use and manipulate their sexuality – a joyous sight for the eyes of pedophiles. By the way, Michelle Obama is a shareholder in Netflix – and so the circle is complete.

To such twisted products, the aim of which is in fact to make us accustomed to viewing pedophilic urges as normal and permissible, the only appropriate response can be imprisonment (in the past, societies maintained taboos via even more efficient methods). If we don’t respond appropriately, we will end up like a crowd of monsters that pays no heed to any boundaries and believes that everything and anything is possible and permitted.

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