Nebraska officially adopts pro-life flag

The feet of the conceived in the flag shows Nebraska's commitment to the pro-life movement. And while a similar law is on the way in Texas, the announcement serves a stark reminder that the dark forces do not sleep.

Pro life flag

The flag of the pro-life world

Nebraska is a pro-life state. And they have a flag to show it.

Lieutenant Governor Mike Foley announced the official adoption of the pro-life world flag January 28 in consultation with governor Pete Ricketts.

It’s a symbolic gesture of enormous value that the State of Nebraska aims at cementing a sense of unity for the pro-life movements in the state. The flag shows the footprints of a child (blue and pink to represent both genders), surrounded by the hands of the mother; an emblem of the two lives involved in the journey that is pregnancy.

“Nebraska citizens,” explains Lieutenant Governor Foley, “are acting consistently and courageously to protect prenatal life by volunteering at pregnancy centers, helping expectant mothers, giving generously to young families, participating in marches and prayer vigils, and demonstrating support for life by displaying signs along highways throughout the state.”

Death threats to pro-life senator

This important decision by Nebraska’s institutional leadership came less than a week after the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade (Jan. 22, 1973); an anniversary for which Governor Ricketts called a day to campaign an end to abortion, stating, “Nebraska is a pro-life state. Nebraska law states that it is the will of the people of Nebraska and its Congressmen to protect, whenever possible, the life of the unborn.”

The Nebraska legislature is promoting a law that prohibits abortion after the detection of a baby’s heartbeat in the womb, similar to the one that came into force in Texas on September 1. Speaker of the bill is 25-year-old Republican Senator Julie Slama, who has received rape and death threats.

To dilute the tension, the young Senator tweeted, “The threats I have received are in stark contrast to the positive and hopeful message of the pro life movement. The response to Nebraska’s Heartbeat Bill is overwhelmingly positive and I am excited to propose this bill.”

The porclama by which Nebraska adopted the pro-life flag
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