Maryland summer camp for military children includes transgender identification options for six-year-olds

Creator: Ted Eytan Copyright: This material is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

The Homefront Challenge Summer Camp in Maryland, which serves exclusively the children of Maryland Army National Guardsmen, has encountered controversy after asking parents if their 6-year-old children identify as transgender or non-binary. The overnight camp, available solely to military families, included “trans male,” “trans female,” and “non-binary” as options under “Child’s Gender” in their sign-up forms.

The instance aligns with an increasing trend of military institutions embracing progressive gender ideologies. The Air Force Academy recently invited a transgender-identifying activist and military service member as a featured speaker at an inclusion and leadership conference. Furthermore, the Pentagon has sought to institutionalize diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, even requesting $114 million for “unconscious bias diversity training” and various DEI initiatives.

While war rages in the Middle East and Ukraine, the US Military has lost focus on its primary objective, which is to ensure the safety and security of the American people. Instead, radical progressive ideologies have been embedded into our armed forces, turning the most powerful military in the world into a breeding ground for LGBT and racial extremist,

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