Mainstream Media defends Mayan child sacrifice

The corporate media and notable institutions such as The New York Times, CBS, National Geographic, and Smithsonian Magazine are celebrating a study that uncovered the genetic analysis of a burial site in Chichén Itzá, Mexico, from the era of the Mayan civilization. This location, infamous for human sacrifice, has resulted in the intellectuals of our society attempting to normalize and even defend this barbaric practice, putting it under the guise of cultural norms of the time.

Recent findings from the study conducted in Chichén Itzá reveal that young males, particularly twins, were the majority of the victims. Despite the shocking reality of children being sacrificed, the multiculturalist lens adopted by many refuses to judge the Mayans by current standards. Such logic is fundamentally flawed. Human sacrifice, particularly child sacrifice, is a breach of basic human ethics and violates the general societal obligation to protect innocent and vulnerable children.

The majority of academics and journalists are quick to denounce Western civilizations for past transgressions such as slavery and imperialism. However, they fail to apply the same logic while discussing the human sacrifices of the Mayan civilization. There is a stark intellectual inconsistency within these legacy institutions who thrive on the benefits of Western civilization while relentlessly trying to demolish it from within.

The defense of a civilization that justifies the murder of children to honor or appease some deity is deeply disturbing. Such civilizations, regardless of their rituals, should not be glorified or defended. With no room for moral relativism, such practices remain unequivocally evil. Failure to condemn these evils reflects poorly on our own civilization.

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