Lily Tomlin: as woke as ever

Actress Lily Tomlin is as woke as ever and her interview in the April 15, 2022, edition of The Hollywood Reporter clearly bears this out. From her woke views of the tragedy in the Ukraine to her friendship with Jane Fonda, Tomlin reminds us how leftwing she really is.

In the interview, Tomlin gave her frank opinion about why America is so concerned about Ukraine in its war with Russia: because Ukraine is composed of white people. She stated:

“I don’t know how well-founded this is, but as tragic as Ukraine is, you think of it as a white European country. I think of the people in Haiti and in all the countries of color where terrible things happened and not as many people responded, and it was not as widely spread in the press. There was just an embrace of the Ukrainian people and a dismissal of people of color in other countries.”

Forget about the facts that Ukraine was invaded by the largest nuclear power in the world and that millions upon millions of Ukrainians have become refugees. We care about Ukraine only because it has white people. Wow.

Tomlin then criticized her Kentucky relatives for being country hicks and Trump supporters:

“I was at my mother’s with several of our relatives when my second special [Lily, which referenced such topics as race and methadone] aired on CBS. My mother and father both are from Kentucky. And so all my relatives are mostly fundamental Christians, and I’m sure many of them now are Trumpers. They hardly laughed at all. They were just saying, “Well, we have to be up in the morning to milk,” or whatever.”

When asked about how comedy has evolved since she started over fifty years ago, Tomlin immediately attacked angry straight white males for using jokes to divide people:

“People are more conscious about misogynistic jokes or homophobic jokes or racial slurs. Those [jokes] are just expressions of anger and fury and dislike and propaganda to separate groups and individuals.”

I guess Tomlin never heard the comedy routines of Eddy Murray and Richard Pryor.

When asked about how starting out today would be different for her, Tomlin stated:

“Thank God the internet wasn’t the big instrument of defaming people as it is today. Who knows what might have happened to me.”

Tomlin forgets to say that it is leftists who are primarily doing the defaming. Just ask J.K Rowling, Kathleen Stock, and Martina Navratolova, who have been viciously attacked by radical transgender activists for daring to defend womanhood. Or ask Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who dared to protect children as young as 5 from being indoctrinated in the radical LGBT agenda. Or ask Donald Trump, on almost any issue.

When asked if she was bothered about being called a feminist in the more conservative past, Tomlin replied:

“No, it never did. I thought, ‘Well, heck, why wouldn’t I be a feminist? They’re just humanists to the nth degree.’” 

And what about her friendship with leftist activist Hanoi Jane Fonda? Tomlin stated:

“We both have the same work ethic and we genuinely love each other, even though we come from such different backgrounds. I know she has my back, and I know I have hers. And I’m of course interested in all her political activities.”

In regard to her relationship with her wife Jane Wagner, “Jane #1” as Tomlin calls her, she stated:

“Jane is such a wonderful writer, and we’ve had enough success that it has sustained us. Plus, we just respect one another, and she makes me laugh. And Jane doesn’t like to be in the limelight.”

Lily Tomlin is as left-wing as ever and spouts her woke ideology proudly in the latest edition of The Hollywood Reporter. Whether attacking America for supporting Ukraine only because it has white people to describing rural Americans as country bumpkins, Tomlin never deviates from the woke ideology script. I am so glad that I never was a Tomlin fan and I hope other Americans see her for the radical she is.

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