Left-wing extremists post $200 bounty for Supreme Court justice sightings

This kind of murderous fervor only shows that true conservatives values are winning in the United States.

Last updated on July 13th, 2022 at 05:41 pm

The radical left group ShutDownDC posted a bounty to their Twitter account for sightings of the conservative Supreme Court justices who voted in favor of overturning Roe vs. Wade.

The bounty starts at $50 for names of the restaurants where the justices are having dinner, and goes up to $200 if the justices are there half an hour after the tip.

Twitter policy prohibits calls to harass or abuse people offline. “We prohibit behavior that encourages others to harass or target specific individuals or groups with abusive behavior,” the platform’s policy on abusive behavior states. “This includes, but is not limited to; calls to target people with abuse or harassment online and behavior that urges offline action such as physical harassment.” Twitter has yet to remove the tweet.

This type of abuse has becomes widespread after the courage of the justices to overturn Roe vs. Wade. They have suffered many online threats, even physical ones, such as when a man was arrested outside of Justice Kavanaugh’s for an assassination attempt. This kind of murderous fervor only shows that true conservatives values are winning in the United States, and while there is much more work to be done, the Supreme Court justices have given a firm example of the courage needed from the right to combat leftist moral evils.

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