Late-term live birth abortions increase in Canada

A Canadian pro-life blogger, Pat Maloney, recently revealed her findings on late-term live birth abortions in Canada from 2022-23. Maloney, who has been keeping tabs on this trend for years using primarily Freedom of Information requests, reports a notable increase from the previous years. Her research points out that late-term abortions increased from 911 in 2021/2022 to 1,059 in 2022/2023.

What is truly alarming is that seven of these late-term abortions involved babies who were 29 or more weeks gestation. Ninety-eight of them were 21-24 weeks gestation when they died after an unsuccessful abortion. If proper care or effort had been put into saving these newborns, they may well have survived.

Despite the heart-wrenching stories from nurses who have witnessed these incidents, it appears that no political party in Canada is interested in addressing the issue. The experiences shared by nurses reveal a disturbing reality where children born alive after failed abortions are hastily discarded or left to die.

This troubling state of affairs highlights a dire need for awareness and change. Currently, over 80% of Canadians are not aware that abortion till birth is legal in Canada, reflecting a significant ignorance about this issue. There needs to be more public discourse and scrutiny over these practices which tread dangerously on human rights and ethics.

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