Editor of iFamNews Italy declares he is a feminist

On the topic of gender confusion, this male will willingly go along with feminists; the last ones to defend us from this trans madness.


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It’s official: iFamNews is a feminist portal, and a radical one at that. In fact, only feminists are left to defend the biology of the human person, the differences between the sexes, and femininity and – therefore also – masculinity. In short, the incontrovertible nature: one that can be crippled but never erased.

Sure, a lot of serious and important things continue to divide us from feminists. I’ve been targeted myself; once, when somebody told me it would have been better if my mother had aborted me instead of seeing me testify to the sanctity of human life. I won’t soon forget it. But today we can walk a stretch of the road together with those from that other world. These are the paradoxes of the shattered world we’ve been living in for a while.

Today’s feminists are the ones who are the most enraged at yet another macho rape and the complicity of the media, politicians and institutions in it: the claim of the LGBT+ ideology, that is, the fake idea that gender is separate from sex, that sex can be bent to fit someone’s idea of gender, and that gender is only a matter of self-perception. The rape that feminists perceive lies in the fact that – despite what one thinks, says, and wants to assert – a man remains a man and a woman remains a woman, complete with the right personal pronouns. And if someone is a man, he doesn’t go into the ladies’ restroom. And if he does, he will be a victim subjected to ladies’ umbrellas. If you’re a man, you don’t go to women’s prisons. If you’re a man, you join the boys’ league, not the girls’.

Everyone is talking about Fabrizio Petrillo, who calls himself “Valentina” and who aims to run with the females at the Paralympics (he is visually impaired). But no one is talking about the women who do not want a transvestite man among them since it would distort everything: make the comparison unequal, the competition stupid, and the result surreal.

In fact, despite the “press blackout”, the website RadFem Italy writes that “the Italian athletes have rebelled and expressed their indignation not by deserting the competitions, but through legal channels, for the fact of being deprived of a fair competition”.

There are 24 of them and they are represented by the lawyer Mariuccia Fausta Quilleri, a former Italian athletics champion. They are asking that transvestite males be admitted to the women’s competitions, but not as competitors against women. That’s not much, but it is a lot, especially in terms of how the athletes have based their appeal: “[…] first of all they contest the lack of scientific basis – as well as the lack of legal validity – of the IOC guidelines”, the International Olympic Committee, “as has been proven by numerous studies, among which the most comprehensive is perhaps that of Dr. Emma Hilton and Dr. Tommy Lundberg published in Sports Medicine.”

Thus, “[…] they claim that admitting males to women’s competitions constitutes a violation of Article 1 of the Code of Equal Opportunities between Men and Women“, which “requires absolute, inviolable and indispensable respect for the physical individuality of women”.

For all this, the 24 Italian female athletes sent (on May 3) a petition to the president of the Italian Athletics Federation, Stefano Mei, the Minister for Equal Opportunities, Elena Bonetti, and the undersecretary of State in charge of sport, Valentina Vezzali. Guess what? Everyone is silent. Everyone is silenced by gender conformity and swallowed up by the inability of politics to speak according to the common sense and represent the reality of things. Thank God for feminists. They are defending science and the law: what more would you want? I’m with them.

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