Government Delegate in Madrid denounced for going after citizens reading the rosary

Polonia Castellanos affirmed that "this government has undertaken a real persecution against Christians".

The Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers has filed a complaint with the Court of Instruction of Madrid against Francisco Martin (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party), the Government Delegate in the capital.

The jurists’ organization denounced Martín for the crime of abuse of authority (Article 376 of the Penal Code) and of prevarication (Article 404 of the Penal Code) for sending the police to dissolve a group of people praying the rosary in Ferraz Street.

Christian Lawyers stated that the Government Delegate has no competence to limit a fundamental right such as the right to religious freedom.

The jurists’ foundation does not rule out legal action against the police as well and announced that they will represent anyone who is arrested or punished for the mere fact of praying.

It also stated that it will be responsible for the payment of penalties. The president of Christian Lawyers, Polonia Castellanos, affirmed that “this government has undertaken a real persecution against Christians”.

“They will not succeed in intimidating us, they will not frighten us. This government takes peaceful people to jail for the simple fact of praying while it removes all kinds of convictions for its associates.”

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