George Soros aiming to increase online censorship ahead of 2024 US elections

Creator: Stephan Röhl Copyright: Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0

The Media Research Center (MRC) alleges that Free Press, a media organization partially funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, is working to increase online censorship ahead of the 2024 U.S. Presidential elections.

According to the MRC, Soros has donated over $80 million to groups associated with Free Press advocating increased online content moderation. Furthermore, MRC suggested that around 45 of the signatories of a recent letter from Free Press calling for tighter online moderation rules are recipients of Soros’s alleged $80 million in funding since 2016.

The MRC insists that the Soros-funded Free Press and its affiliates are unduly influencing US elections by promoting online censorship. They point out that Free Press co-founder Robert W. McChesney once expressed his commitment to media reform as part of a ‘broader struggle for democracy, social justice, and… socialism’, implying an ideological bias in the group’s lobbying efforts.

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