Gender ideology and the cinema

We must be very careful about what we give our children; the enemy does not rest and knows well how to deconstruct society and hearts.

With the start of the summer vacations, many children’s movies are released.

This summer started the affair with the Buzz Lightyear movie and the scandal of the two lesbians featured in it. We already knew that Disney was determined to include the homosexual theme in its films and little by little it is indeed introducing it, more or less brazenly. Somehow we saw it coming and it didn’t surprise us; the bad thing is when it catches you already inside the cinema and you are there with your little kids. It is then time to take the opportunity to explain, comment and clarify things.

Well, this week also saw the release of the Minions movie and a Thor movie. And just this morning I was told by friends that both are not recommended. The Thor one because it’s all truffled with gender ideology and the Minions because it’s a hodgepodge of confusion of good and evil, apart from little LGBT flags and a bad wetsuit who uses the crucifix to kill I don’t know who. My friend told me that her children were shocked and saddened.

I have commented on this on social networks, in case anyone finds it helpful, and there have been all kinds of reactions, of course. The thing is that it is not necessarily that there are scenes or obvious things but the confusion of ideas, which is generated in the children’s heads almost without realizing it.

Film, like literature, is being used very cleverly to shape the heads and souls of children and, as much as we love the Minions, I don’t think it’s worth exposing them to something that could hurt them. We may think that all in all, it’s no big deal or that we shouldn’t exaggerate, but there is so much that enters through their eyes and ears continuously, that it seems absurd to me not only to expose your kids to such content, but also to pay the companies for imposing these things on them.

I believe that we must be very careful about what we give to children; the enemy does not rest and knows well how to deconstruct society and hearts. There are a thousand things to do in the summer, and for free. Let’s not finance gender ideology and let’s be clear about it with our children.

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