WATCH: Gay men’s group declares, “We’ll convert your children.”

Parents who are determined to raise their children with traditional values about marriage, sex, and family, should take the group's message to heart. Because sadly it is no joke.

In a shocking video uploaded to YouTube on July 1, 2021, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus sent “a message from the gay community” to critics: “We’ll convert your children.” Excerpts from the full video can be seen below.

The more than 4-minute-long video featured scores of gay men repeating this refrain amidst a host of other lyrics aimed particularly at believers, such as

You think we’re sinful
You fight against our rights
You say we all lead lives you can’t respect.
But you’re just frightened
You think that we’ll corrupt your kids
If our agenda goes unchecked.
Funny… just this once; you’re correct.
We’ll convert your children,
Happens bit by bit,
Quietly and subtly,
And you will barely notice it.
You can keep ’em from disco,
Warn about San Francisco,
Make ’em wear pleated pants:
We don’t care.
We’ll convert your children.
We’ll make them tolerant and fair.

Other ominous lines include, “Just like you worried they’ll change their group of friends / you won’t approve of where they go at night… Oh, and you’ll be disgusted / When they start finding things online that you’ve kept far from their sight.”

By late on July 7th, not even a week after posting, the video suddenly disappeared from the organization’s YouTube page, set to “Private.” It had received a paltry few hundred “upvotes,” compared with well over 6,000 “dislikes” on the channel, and criticisms coming from all quarters.

However, the group cannot take back what was said and intended by the original video, and parents who are determined to raise their children with traditional values about marriage, sex, and family, should take the group’s message to heart. Because sadly it is no joke.

If you wish to see the original video, you can find it on our YouTube channel.

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