From the Trenches, Pt. 5: An Italian Perspective on the Fight to Contain COVID-19, Continued

Last updated on April 16th, 2020 at 11:03 am

Dear American friends, Happy Easter!

Italy feels abandoned; even the Financial Times ran the headline, “Coronavirus: Is Europe losing Italy?” Europe lacks real solidarity and mutual understanding. This is no surprise: I have long felt certain that, in this tragedy and disaster, no real solidarity or community is possible that doesn’t stem from a sense of shared values, based on our Christian heritage.    

Europe will come to the end, it is sure; what is not sure is how long it will take to end: but this must come to pass if any reconstruction and a new start is to be possible. Let us hope at least for the least disruptive way.

During these tragic times all over the world, as the body counts rise higher, unscrupulous vultures and gravediggers want to add even more among the dead—with thousands of aborted children.  Cruel people seeking more lives sacrificed: the number of dead during this pandemic is not enough to satisfy these bloodthirsty supporters of “human rights!” In Europe, several important NGO’s have asked institutions to support free chemical abortion for women at home and the promotion of online contraceptive guidance and sex education.  People who consider themselves human rights defenders trying to eliminate children from the face of the earth! They are knights of death; but amidst so many such “dark knights” at least Donald  Trump and the American people have extended Italy a hand of true friendship, and brought real hope. ‘dark knights’ around but Trump and USA have decided for a real italian friendship, a sign of hope. 

During the last week, the virus has continued to spread in Italy; there have been more than 19,000 deaths. In Lombardy alone there more than 10,000 have died: a number comparable to the entire United Kingdom’s death toll, or to numbers of France or New York City.  More than 100 doctors and nurses have died taking care of patients; more than 100 priests and nuns have died doing their missions, ministering to people’s souls. It  is a human and economic catastrophe; the government is talking about lifting the general lockdown in May, but is unsure what it may do with respect to specific regions. Our coalition government, composed of the “Five Star” movement along with Socialists and Leftists, is totally inadequate.

If you are able to help us, please do! You can find one way to support our region here.

Of course, we are also all very mindful of what will come “after the virus.” It is clear that the enemies of the natural family and human life continue to plan and keep promoting initiatives to destroy the family, natural sexuality and the dignity of life from conception. We should donate what we can, $50 or $500, to the International Organization for the Family: because the future of our children depends on the our help, so that society will grow stronger rooted in the value of family life! 

The support of each of us is important. The support you can give today is the best investment for our future, the future of our children and and the future of democratic society. Our enemies are organizing a new society and a “new democracy,” totalitarian and communist. How will we respond?

This week I also have some good news to share: I became a great-uncle! Baby Miriam was born in my nephew’s family, who live in Spain! A new birth fills our hearts with hope, encouragign us to look toward the future with confidence. It is a little ray of  sunlight God has sent into our lives. He always surprises us in this way, but even more when in the dark a glimmer of light suddenly appears.

Baby Miriam

Even if every European country is under pressure to support chemical abortion and sexual education to children, a new life brings overwhelming joy and invites us one more time  to increase our commitment, prayers and donations to the support of life and family. We should remember this strong image of how life finds its, especially in the present circumstances and in light of the Easter holiday. Italy will be ok! America will be ok! Europe will collapse, but this has been coming on for years.

We, fathers of families, will make it. We live in a critical moment—but smile! Spending all day at home, spending time with children and spouses, we must take special care to avoid and prevent any possible argument. It is a hard, but beautiful, experience. We are called to obey our wives, who probably see this isolation as an opportunity: there are plugs to re-wire, walls to fix, windows that must be cleaned, gardens to fertilize, ladders and tools to check, toys to fix. This isolation allows us to rediscover how beautiful and difficult the reality of family and community can be! People who do not know how it works and do not experience life in a family cannot know, but it is our commitment to save and develop human and social capital in our countries. `

Finally, remember, we are not alone. Easter reminds us one more time that the Lord always saves us and defeats the enemies in this world. I leave you with this video of a beautiful concert from Milan’s cathedral, shared all over the world, of the great Andrea Bocelli.  

Amazing Grace! Yes, He is still with us. 

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