There is an important battle going on concerning marriage and children in the nation of Switzerland. This coming Sunday the Swiss will go to the polls to decide if the law should be changed to allow same-sex couples to be “married” and to adopt children. Switzerland has the opportunity to send a message to the world that the interests of children are what governments should focus on, and it is in children’s interest to have marriage remain as it exists now in the law – the union of one man and one woman.
Advocates of same-sex ‘marriage’ are making a political argument designed to appeal to ideologies that are popular at present. But marriage is not a political institution. It is an institution designed to bring the two halves of humanity together to provide the best environment for raising children, who are the product of the union of a man and a woman and no other coupling. Marriage is not about validating feelings that people may have for one another. It does not exist to confer “dignity” or “approval” or even “recognition” for couples, same-sex or otherwise. Marriage exists because the sexual union of a man and a woman is something that frequently leads to the birth of children. And it is the interests of children that marriage is designed to serve.
I am very proud of the valiant campaign being waged by our friends and allies in Switzerland through the “No to Marriage for All” coalition. It’s been a tough road. The political elite tried to force same-sex marriage on the nation by vote of the Parliament, but opponents were able to block this from taking effect because of Switzerland’s use of direct democracy. Now, they are urging citizens to reject same-sex ‘marriage’ at the polls this coming Sunday.
Another key element of this campaign is the issue of adoption for same-sex couples. Of course, LGBT activists rail loudly about the law that prohibits gay and lesbian couples from adopting unrelated children. Their arguments are focused almost entirely on the so-called “rights” of gays and lesbians. But what about the rights of children? Are not children entitled to experience the love of both a mother and a father?
The fact that children do best when they are raised by a mom and a dad is not just a universal truth demonstrated by the lived experience throughout human history, it is also an established truth revealed by science. Social science research could not be clearer that children who are raised by their married mother and father do far better than kids raised in any other family structure, including households headed by same-sex couples. They fare better on virtually every measurement of outcome – including educational attainment, juvenile delinquency and criminality, physical and emotional health, and likelihood of experiencing physical or sexual abuse. These kids also have a decreased risk of getting divorced when they get married and are less likely to experience poverty. No other family structure comes close to matching these benefits for children.
You can learn more about this important campaign for marriage and children in Switzerland by visiting the campaign’s website. Polls show that our side may be trailing but the margin is narrowing. Please keep them in your prayers as the vote approaches on Sunday.
Fighting to preserve marriage in Switzerland: vote on Sunday
I am very proud of the valiant campaign being waged by our friends and allies in Switzerland through the “No to Marriage for All” coalition.