El Salvador: Abortion as an obstetric emergency?

The proposed reform of the Code of Childhood and Adolescence considers abortion an obstetric emergency, the new euphemism.

The Constitution of El Salvador protects life from the moment of conception. However, the feminist movement is relentless in its attempt to try to sneak in a reform that would be openly unconstitutional.

Its latest attempt is the reform of the Childhood and Adolescence Code. A complete proposal of 208 articles, each one more harmful than the other. They appeal to the “right” to abortion to solve the so-called “obstetric emergency”. How? An unwanted pregnancy is not an emergency. What’s more, pregnancy is not a disease.

Emergencies are resolved; but decisions are made responsibly.

Because a woman does not cease to be pregnant by having an abortion; she simply becomes the mother of a dead child….

But this is not the only controversial issue in the reform of the Childhood and Adolescence Code. They also point out that sex education is the responsibility of society, the family and the state. They forget that the Constitution and the American Convention on Human Rights recognize the preferential right of parents in the education of their children.

And by the same logic, children would have the right to decide their sexual orientation and gender identity. That is, they could “change” their sex without the permission of their parents.

They call it progress, but it is a real perversion. Because we must remember that parental authority–which they intend to violate–is not a right of the parents, but a right of the children to be protected by the one who loves them the most.

The vote on the reform is to take place in the plenary of the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador. If approved, the President would have a few days to veto the reform.

The Salvadoran association Salvemos la Familia has launched a campaign directed at the president of the Assembly and President Bukele asking them not to approve this controversial reform.

In addition, they are encouraging people to tweet to them to stop abortion and LGBT indoctrination.

This is what they are saying:

@nayibbukele @ECastroES

NO to the Childhood and Adolescence Code that intends to:


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