Donald Trump honors Virgin Mary’s birthday on social media platform Truth Social

Last updated on October 2nd, 2024 at 01:01 pm

Former President Donald Trump took time over the weekend to honor a significant day in the Christian calendar – the birthday of Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. Trump marked the occasion with a post on his social media platform, Truth Social, sharing a photo of “Our Lady of Guadalupe” – an image held in high veneration particularly among Mexican Catholics. The image has its roots in the 16th century when Mary appeared in visions to an Aztec man named Juan Diego in 1531.

During these apparitions, Mary requested Diego to erect a shrine dedicated to her on Tepayac Hill, in present-day Mexico City suburb. When Diego conveyed this to his bishop, he was asked for tangible proof. Diego then had another vision of Mary where she asked him to collect roses. Upon presenting these roses to the bishop, an imprint of Mary emerged on his cloak. The same image was shared by Trump, which is now housed in the Basilica of Guadalupe and is considered a miraculous sign of Mary’s love and protection for the Americas.

Trump’s tribute came in the same week he announced the formation of “Catholics for Trump,” a coalition committed to preserving religious liberty and family values. His campaign defines his regime as a period of unwavering support for religious freedom, marked by victorious strides both within the country and abroad.

Trump contrasted his administration with the Harris-Biden régime, which he accused of undermining religious rights. The former president’s campaign affirmed his understanding of the significance of religious freedoms for all and his respect for the power of faith.

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