Disney forbids its employees to use the “bigoted” phrases “ladies and gentleman” and “boys and girls”

Who would have thought that the phrases “ladies and gentlemen” and “boys and girls” were actually phrases containing hidden bigotry? Woke Disney, that’s who.

You see, those phrases recognize that there are only two sexes and that everyone belongs to either one sex or the other. But to the radical LGBT ideologues at Disney, “ladies and gentlemen” and “boys and girls” disrespect people (probably less than 1% of the population) who do not “identify” with either sex,  who “identify” with both sexes, or who change which sex they “identify” with depending on which moment they are in.

As reported by Christopher Rufo, an ardent foe of schools and corporations trying to foist radical LGBT and racial ideologies on us, in a recent employee call Disney Diversity and Inclusion Manager Vivian Ware declared:  

“Last summer we removed all of the gendered greetings in relationship to our live spiels. So we no longer say ‘ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.’ We’ve trained—we’ve provided training for all of our cast members in relationship to that. So now they know that it’s ‘Hello everyone’ or ‘Hello friends.’ We’re in the process of changing over those recording messages and so many of you are probably familiar, when we brought the fireworks back to the Magic Kingdom we no longer say ‘ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.’ We say ‘Dreamers of all ages.’ So I love the fact that this opened up the creativity, the opportunity for our cast members to look at that. We have our cast members working with merchandise, working with food and beverage, working with all of our guest-facing areas, where perhaps we want to create that magical moment with our cast members and our guests. And we don’t want to just assume because someone might be, in our interpretation, may be presenting as female, but they may not want to be called ‘princess.’ So let’s think differently about how do we really engage with our guests in a meaningful and inclusive way that makes it magical and memorable for everyone.”

And you thought that the phrases “ladies and gentleman” and “boys and girls” was just the proper way to refer to the only two sexes there are, the way that humans for millennia have been referring to a mixed group of young and older males and females. But you are wrong. Disney sees the hidden bigotry in those phrases. It sees something that humans since the beginning of time have failed to see: that those phrases harm the less than 1% of humanity that does not “identify” with the normal gender binary. Thus, those phrases must be eliminated from the vocabulary of every employee at Disney.

As Confucius stated over two thousand years ago: “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.” In its commitment to radical LGBT ideology, woke Disney is doing all it can to ignore reality and to call things by their wrong names—and to try to unsuspectingly indoctrinate us while we roam its theme parks. It is time for those of us dedicated to the truth to do the right thing and boycott the House of Mouse as it no longer supports the vision of Walt Disney to provide wholesome entertainment upholding traditional morality.

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