For some time now I have had the feeling of being part of a society, or of a historical time, that is on the brink of the abyss. I am not talking about destruction, but about a change of era.
And it is a common feeling and one that I see referred to in many articles, books and opinions of people from different fields, but all of them with great criteria, training and analytical skills. Perhaps the most emblematic is Cardinal Sarah’s “It’s getting late and it’s getting dark”.
The democratic societies of the West are moving ever faster towards self-destruction. The social, cultural and spiritual chaos to which we have brought ourselves has no way back: social and thought dictatorship, environmentalism over the person, anti-nature and anti-person laws, the law of feeling over reason and justice… all this is already irreversible, from my point of view. There is no turning back within the limits of today’s democracy.
And, as we see throughout history, what happens is a shock, a brutal rupture that provokes change and, God willing and finding heroes and saints capable of risking and offering their lives, the subsequent return to Truth.
In my opinion, that shock will come with the Islamization of Europe, of which we are already seeing the first symptoms emerging. From it will come the almost complete destruction of Western culture and of Europe’s Christian roots, those that no one is willing to defend in the political arena anymore.
And then, thanks to the Saints, to the heroes and to those who had the vision to safeguard tradition and culture even at the risk of their own lives, then the Truth will be able to shine again and will light up the world once more.
But let’s be aware, let’s be sensible and let’s be brave and prepared because we may not see it, but we will sense it and we will have to prepare our children.
It is just another cycle in the history of mankind like so many others.