Concerns mount among Catholic conservatives over Kamala Harris’s stances on abortion, LGBT rights, and religious liberties

Vice President Kamala Harris’s stance on a range of issues has raised concerns among certain Catholic circles, particularly surrounding her uncompromising defense of abortion rights and her willingness to disregard their right to life at any stage of gestation. Furthermore, she has actively supported legislation obliging states with restrictive abortion laws to seek federal approval before implementing them.

During her tenure as California’s attorney general, Harris aggressively pursued pro-life activist David Daleiden, who had used undercover videos to spotlight the harvesting and selling of aborted fetal organs by the abortion industry. Harris also made efforts to impose stringent regulations on crisis pregnancy centers in the state.

Harris has made a strong stand against the death penalty, advocating for the lives of individuals guilty of heinous crimes, sparking a paradoxical comparison to her position on abortion and infanticide.

Her advocacy for LGBT rights is another bone of contention with conservative Catholic groups, as she has historically sanctioned same-sex marriage and supports transgender rights.

From a religious liberty perspective, Harris has a troubling record. She has co-sponsored legislation compelling religious institutions to contravene their own doctrines and has been a proponent of bills that potentially impinge on religious rights. This includes an instance where she challenged a Catholic nominee’s eligibility for a federal district judgeship based on his membership in a Catholic organization.

In summary, Harris’s stances on life, marriage, gender ideology, and religious rights deeply unsettle Catholic conservatives. Thus far, there are no indicators of her shifting her positions.

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