Brainwashing and fear: how the woke win

Metaphor of brainwashing, doctor washes the brain with the sponge.

Last updated on January 16th, 2022 at 02:44 pm

As many people know, the woke agenda, with its support of radical LGBT and racist policies, is crazy. It goes against science (“a biological male can become a woman just by saying so”), reason (“all family forms are the same” despite all the evidence showing that the traditional married mother-father family is best for children), and common sense (“you cannot use the term ‘woman’ because it is exclusionary [i.e., excludes biological men identifying as women]; you must say instead ‘people who menstruate”). (This last issue is what drove feminist and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling into the fight against the woke agenda.) It is contradictory (“to be anti-racist you must be racist” and “gender is man-made” but “transgenderism is real”). It is extremely toxic as it pits races against one another and men against women; indeed, it dissolves all the strands binding our societies together.

Yet if all this is true, why is the woke agenda constantly advancing in America and the rest of the world? Don’t people see wokeism for what it is?

The simple answer to this question is that by: 1) incessantly bombarding people with pro-woke messages from the media, Hollywood, Big Business, academia, and government; and 2) crushing all those who dissent from the woke agenda, woke ideologues both brainwash and strike fear into people. Thus the woke agenda is able to advance.

Woke activists clearly know that their agenda will not stand up to scrutiny. If people utilize their critical thinking skills, wokeness will fall. So the woke must stop people from using their brains; but how can they do this? First, they bombard you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with woke messages. They adhere to the Nazi/Communist adage that “if you tell a lie enough times, it will become the truth.” The woke will do all your thinking for you; you just have to sit back and passively let their messages sink in. Don’t worry; just keep enjoying your bread and circuses….

Second, because some people will resist brainwashing, the woke need a fallback strategy: crushing anyone who dissents from any aspect of woke ideology. Dare to use your mind and not agree with all of the woke agenda and woke activists will try to cancel you on social media, will dox you, will try to get you fired from your job, will boycott your business, and will try to turn your neighbors and colleagues against you. The woke message is clear: just try to use critical thinking skills and we will crush you.

Indeed, author Noelle Mering in her book Awake, Not Woke compares wokeness to a cult:

There are well-trodden comparisons between the woke and fundamentalist religions: rejection of critical thinking, demand for total adherence to dogmas, ritualistic shaming, and rejection of transgressors…Stripped of a meaningful and robust concept of nature, reason, and the human person, woke ideology is a house of cards that requires allegiance through intimidation and power…Once indoctrinated, thought is replaced by party cliches, propaganda, and sloganeering.

So what are we to do? The most important thing we can do is challenge woke ideology whenever and wherever we find it, whether at our work, at our colleges, at our social clubs, and the like.

Significantly, of late more and more people are courageously speaking up against the woke agenda. In just the last two months, prominent individuals at the BBC and CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation) have quit their jobs over the wokeness of their employers and several current and former female athletes and officials have openly decried the injustice of allowing biological men identifying as women to compete in female sports. Let us hope that by seeing these people taking courageous stands against the woke agenda others will be emboldened to rise up as well. We must all fight against woke brainwashing and intimidation if we are to defeat this insidious ideology that only knows how to destroy.

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