Biden-Harris’ newest Nuclear Security Advisor advocates for “queering” nuclear weapons

The latest executive move from the Biden-Harris administration is evidence that the left can pose an immense threat to America’s existence, as outlined in recent controversial policies. Sneha Nair, appointed as special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration, has been advocating for disarmament policies such as reduction or even complete elimination of nuclear weapons. Nair also believes that advancing “queer theory” is vital for America’s national security.

According to Nair, queer theory is intrinsic to the struggle for nuclear policy; it challenges the perception of nuclear weapons as security instruments by highlighting the displacement, illness, and trauma caused by their production and testing. The argument here is that principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are the way in which nuclear war will be prevented. Yes, you read that right.

This approach, based on Nair’s DEI agenda, is the latest example of wokeism and DEI initiatives having a cancerous effect on America’s policies. The assumption that the reality of the world aligns with a peaceful woke utopia is dangerously naive, as it ignores the threats posed by international powers. Our military needs to be strong and prepared for anything, not poisoned by radical ideologies which take our guard down.

The previous connection of Sneha Nair to the Stimson Institute, which received extensive funding from George Soros’s Open Society Foundations and the Embassy of the State of Qatar, gives even more cause for concern. Moreover, Nair’s emphasis on sharing America’s nuclear secrets with racially diverse people with foreign ties would be disastrous for national security.

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