Biden administration’s proposed rule challenges financial support for pro-life family centers Creator: U.S. Secretary of Defense

In October 2023, the Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services, led by Xavier Becerra, proposed a regulation, “Strengthening Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) as a Safety Net and Work Program,” aimed at pro-life family centers. Under the proposed rule, these centers might be unable to access much-needed financial support for their work.

The Biden administration seems to misunderstand the value these pro-life pregnancy resource centers provide. Around 3,000 nonprofit pro-life centers offer various necessary services to women, such as housing, clothing, medical care, and financial support. By denying these centers financial aid, the administration reveals a disparate view between its pro-choice stance and the core values of these centers.

The administration’s inconsistency is particularly telling in its scientific reliance. While staunchly supporting the extreme green agenda through a claim of scientific evidence, it contradicts this principle by ignoring the scientific proof of life at conception. In spite of claiming to be a faithful Catholic, President Biden regularly appears to undermine Catholic Church teachings about the sanctity of life. His actions raise questions about the consequences of politicians blatantly disregarding their faith’s teachings while assuming public office.

The solution lies in the Church reminding politicians of their obligation to follow their professed faith’s scriptural teachings faithfully. Bishops and other Catholic figures have an undeniable duty to correct politicians who openly defy critical aspects of the Catholic faith, including respect for life. Adhering to Pope Leo XIII’s advice would help politicians to live consistently and adhere to Catholic doctrines fully, rather than becoming “Cafeteria Catholics” who selectively obey Church teachings.

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