Archdiocese of Puebla fights ‘Culture of Death’ with new measures following decriminalization of abortion in Mexico

The Archdiocese of Puebla in Mexico has declared a series of measures to address “the throwaway culture and the culture of death” in the aftermath of the state legislature’s decision to decriminalize abortion up to 12 weeks gestation. In a statement, the Archdiocese disclosed its “profound sadness” and denounced the denial of the “right to life.”

Responsibility for combatting this outcome is shared among different pastoral programs within the Church. The Liturgical Ministry will bolster prayer and celebration of Mass to persuade women considering abortion to respect the sanctity of their unborn child’s life. Each month, until the beginning of the Jubilee Year 2025, a prayer of reparation will be recited for the ‘offense against God’ that is abortion.

The Communications Ministry will launch a campaign to enlighten the public about the worth of human life and promote values. The Family Ministry intends to instruct new generations in the practice of human love and sexuality, to counter unwanted pregnancies.

The Life Dimension of pastoral ministry will continue to advocate for the love of life, and Youth Ministry will promote the values of fidelity, responsibility, chastity, and respect. The Social Ministry will provide necessary support to those most in need. Despite the setbacks, the Archdiocese of Puebla remains hopeful that the teachings of Jesus will overcome the cultures of waste and death.

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