Anti-Christian Hatred in the French Media

Last updated on January 30th, 2020 at 05:28 am

France Inter is a radio station which is almost entirely paid by French taxpayers – including Christians. But that does not prevent it from insulting Christian citizens. Thus, on January 10, Frédéric Fromet, allegedly a humorist, broadcast a song (which was supposed to be funny and courageous and was neither), the first words of the chorus of which said: “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus is a fag!”

Needless to say, what these people do with Christianity would be strictly impossible with any other religion. But the most ignominious is that, a few days later, following the abundant protests, France Inter and “the artist” apologized … to the LGBT lobby, making it clear to Christians that they could count on new insults in the name , of course, “freedom of expression” and the “fight against homophobia”!

Source: Observatoire de la christianophobie

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