Annihilating the conscience of those who object

The "Free to Abort" campaign litters our cities with the violence of a horror film.

"Free to Abort" posters.

Image from "produzionidalbasso" website

Abiding by the properly formed conscience be a scary situation.

To object – in the name of one’s conscience – to the slaughter of a defenseless child still in its mother’s womb strikes terror into the pro-abortist who then reacts by terrorizing those who don’t conform to their twisted logic.

They hope to shut up the conscience, by pulverizing the conscience… by annihilating the conscience.

Men and women can no longer entrench themselves even in their inner freedom; appeal to that last inner hole where the integrity of the person is sacredly protected. “Out with everything! Send them to the guillotine, red ribbon around their necks!… conscience first!” The heads – and with them, the consciences – of doctors and midwives who object to abortion must be struck off. They must be eliminated.

No longer will they operate. No longer will they work. No longer will they need to exist.

This is what the last frontier of the abortion culture is asking for, which evidently feels it’s losing ground and is afraid of confrontation to the point of violating with impunity the inner sanctum of human conscience. I’m talking about a campaign called “Free to Abort” which is littering our cities. Perhaps it’s just a fund-raising campaign.

There is only one theme: violence against the youngest… always against the youngest.

The violence exerted on the little ones by the posters adds to the violence of the actual and visceral destruction of small defenseless creatures whose only fault is that they are human and that their little human hearts are still beating inside of their mothers.

It’s also a violence that forces children to see images and signs that are indecipherable to them and from which they cannot defend themselves. Therefore such images are by definition violent, whether they are images and signs of gender indoctrination in schools, or screenshots of homosexual pornography in the streets, or posters harassing children with unprecedented abuse based on stylized vulvas and screams from horror films.

I wonder what kind of democracy we are living in if the Jacobin public intimidation aimed at gagging conscience and imposing violence against children is passed off as freedom. Meanwhile, it occurs to me how totalitarianism has always tried to kill the conscience and rape the little ones.

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