Anchorage March for Life attracts 150 demonstrators despite freezing temps

"Aurora Borealis - Bear Lake, Alaska" by Trodel is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Despite frigid temperatures and snowfall, a March for Life in Anchorage, Alaska, saw 150 pro-life demonstrators. On January 28, supporters marched for four miles in zero-degree weather, showing their unwavering belief in the sanctity of life.

Among the participants were parents carrying infants, young adults with signs and banners, veteran pro-life activists, and clergy conveying messages of faith. The adverse weather conditions were unable to dampen their resolve. Mary Kemper, one of the organizers, hailed the turn-out as impressive considering the short planning time and challenging weather conditions.

The speakers included Blake Hart, a pastor and military chaplain, who challenged Christian men to adopt a more active role in defending the unborn, pushing against the narrative that abortion is solely a woman’s issue. In his address, Hart emphasized that the concern for abortion should not be minimized to a gender issue but viewed as a global human issue, to which everyone owes their voices and actions.

Kemper encouraged the participants, reminding them of the absolute strength of the pro-life movement. She noted the significant numbers that turned out for the national March for Life in Washington, D.C., reiterating that thousands of organizations are steadfast in supporting the cause. Kemper expressed the shared joy that accompanies working towards upholding the rights of every unborn child, a joy rooted in the belief in the truth of the dignity of each human life.

The rally also featured Priscilla Hurley, a survivor of abortion, who shared her story. After enduring two abortions and working at an abortion clinic, Hurley experienced a spiritual awakening. She now speaks of the multitudes of blessings she has received, emphasizing the need for salvation and healing in society.

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