Actions, not words, will change the world

This is my statement of intent. Will you help me keep it?

Today, December 1, 2020, the Spanish version of iFamNews is (re)born, with a global vision and aspiration to become the foremost Spanish-language resource for the pro-life, pro-family and pro-freedom world. That’s not too ambitious, right?

Actually, it is with a bit of vertigo that we embark – because of the enormous task ahead of us – but also with a great deal of enthusiasm, because this affords us an opportunity to dedicate ourselves to what we are passionate about: here we can roll up our sleeves and commit even more fully to the cultural battle to defend life, family and freedom.

We will resist the accepted narratives, rebel against the dominant uniformities and go on the offensive against those endeavoring to establish an unnatural vision of the world.

We are militant believers in human dignity, we are advocates for reason, and we are agitators of real action: because we really believe that it is true, and not merely a platitude, that a better world – much better – really is possible. We are, ultimately, the real nonconformists.

That’s because we’re ontological realists: we’ll tell it like it is. We will also tell you human stories, because when we embody ideas in people’s lives and experiences we can really understand them in their fullness. And, since we believe that politically-correct language is a form of corruption and manipulation, we will speak to you without euphemisms, caring little about whom we might offend.

The Irish polemicist George Bernard Shaw captured perfectly the idea our of which iFamNews grows: “The reasonable man adapts to the world in which he lives, the unreasonable man insists on adapting the world to his own way of being… therefore all progress in humanity comes from unreasonable men.” When the world’s reasons are unreasonable, we must, in the sight of the world, be unreasonable and oppose them.

As the new editor of iFamNews Español, I’m here to make sure that the content we offer is always interesting, that our publications generate debate, that they attract your curiosity, and that they awaken the activist in you… because I believe, as an IBM marketing campaign once put it, that talking only expresses our wish to change the world, actions are how we actually change it. This is my statement of intent. Will you help me keep it?

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