A Small Nation’s Experience—A Window to the Future

Georgia's recent history is not only the answer to the question of what may happen in the case of defeat by global, liberal values; we can also provide glimpses in our small nation of how a society can survive.

As Editor of the Georgian edition of iFamNews, I face a mission of high responsibility: to present iFamNews to the nation of Georgia, and to introduce Georgia to people worldwide who are interested in the details of our ongoing struggle around the institution of the family.

The periphery of an empire is a special place. On the one hand, it is unknown to everyone; while on the other hand, it allows the conducting of all the crazy experiments that this or that group fails to conduct in the big metropolises. Georgia, a small country on the edge of Europe and Asia, became such a periphery after the USSR collapsed, a ‘frontier’ of the liberal globalist empire. Our experience is a brilliant instance for those interested in what happens to the family, demography, and traditions when liberals enjoy a full carte blanche.

In 2003, a political team headed by Mikheil Saakashvili came into power in Georgia. That team included mainly people brought up in one particular NGO. The regime, called a ‘beacon of democracy’, started working. Their strident measures enabled them to achieve in ten years things that in the West had taken a century.

An orthodox country whose essence of society and culture was a multifaceted complex of family hierarchy and tradition was forcefully pushed to accept the Open Society Foundation’s standards. As a result, according to the UN, Georgia is on track to be put on the list of endangered nations, with a low birth rate and hyper-accelerated immigration trends contributing to the destruction of our demography. As a result of an education system unduly influenced by liberal media outlets and NGO structures, the institution of the family is in crisis, and most marriages are doomed to breakup from the start. The deliberate marginalization of the Church, economic problems, and the indifferent attitude of the state towards the interests of mothers and the protection of large families, create a hellish cocktail that deprives people of the desire to live together and have children. The path to success is associated with escape from the country.

A reader might ask, “But why should I care about about the problems of a small country I can’t even find on a map?” The reason is that we are a living example and demonstration of what global liberal politics can and will do, if allowed to win. As a ‘pilot program’ testing such policies, we have fully experienced the outcomes of uncontrolled, totalitarian, ruthless social engineering. Thus, if someone is really interested in what may happen if Joe Biden, Antifa, BLM and other radical politics ascend in the United States, or what may happen if the EU finally establishes a homogenous, multi-cultural, featureless zoo from all of Europe’s unique, original cultures: then they need only look to—and learn from—our experience.

Because Georgia’s recent history is not only the answer to the question of what may happen in the case of defeat; we can also provide glimpses in our small nation of how a society can survive, in spite of such challenges as those mentioned above.

It is a great honor for me and the entire Alt-Info team to work on the Georgian version of iFamNews, to enjoy the chance to participate in the crucial struggle for the rights of families, children, and humanity all around the world.

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