Wokeism on hormones: meat-eating is racist, misogynistic, and colonial

This is not satire. And while we would be inclined to laugh off the nonsense spewed by radical feminist and animal rights advocate Carol Adams, it does deserve some attention. The Left is becoming more unhinged, and taking the culture with it.

Last updated on February 22nd, 2022 at 07:14 pm

Herbert Marcuse must be rolling with laughter in his grave.

I don’t even think the Frankfurt Schoolers of yesteryear could have even remotely imagined just how far their train has left the station. It truly is a master-class in ideological subversion; where the leftist’s ‘reason and revolution’ subsist.

But I digress.

What else is there to say other than… you have to see it, to believe it.

Here is radical feminist and animal rights activist Carol Adams presenting at the “Beyond Meat Debate” at the University of Oxford earlier this week.

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