US State Department funds LGBT Pride events worldwide including programs geared towards children

The U.S. State Department is funding a variety of LGBT pride events worldwide in preparation for June, which is celebrated as Pride Month. Some of these events have a focus on children, according to federal grant records. The Biden Administration’s State Department is financing a gay film festival, an LGBT community conference, and other pride events in Australia, the Czech Republic, and Bulgaria, before June as per the grant outlines.

The U.S. taxpayers are covering the expenses for an LGBT pride week in the Czech city of Brno. Some of the taxpayer-funded pride week’s events included reading “queer children’s literature” to young children, a “picnic for queer youth”, and an LGBT-accepting service conducted by a female priest of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. The pride week received approximately $5,500 in public funding. In addition, American taxpayers are also covering the costs of Sofia Pride, a Bulgarian capital-based LGBT pride event, with the U.S. State Department setting aside roughly $15,000 for the June 22 event.

Outside Europe, the U.S. State Department has directed funds towards Better Together, an Australian “LGBTIQA+ community conference” scheduled for June 13 to 15. The conference will include events on how LGBT activists can more effectively engage with the government to achieve policy changes. The U.S. State Department’s funding of pro-LGBT events and organizations abroad is in line with the Biden’s Administration’s need to spread LGBT lies across the world.

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