US Bishops rebuke Catholic lawmakers claiming Catholic teaching supports legal abortion

A group of Catholic lawmakers in the US House of Representatives who signed a letter claiming to invoke Catholic teaching to support legal abortion has been rebuked by US bishops. Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, and Bishop Daniel E. Flores, representing the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, issued a joint statement correcting the lawmakers’ assertions. The bishops stated that it is wrong and incoherent to claim that abortion can be consistent with the values of supporting the dignity and well-being of those in need. They cited the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which unequivocally states that human life must be respected and protected from the moment of conception.

The bishops emphasized that the defense of unborn children is grounded not only in religious doctrine but also in scientific evidence and sound reason. They rejected the notion that abortion is a right and criticized the lawmakers for contributing to the ongoing reproductive healthcare crisis in the country.

The confrontation between the Catholic lawmakers and the US bishops highlights the clash between those in favor of legal abortion and the teachings of the Catholic Church, which opposes abortion and defends the sanctity of human life from conception. The bishops’ response raises questions about the alignment of Catholic politicians with Church teachings and the role of faith in shaping public policy decisions on issues like abortion.

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