University is hub for atrocities committed on the unborn

University of Pittsburgh utilizes taxpayer dollars to perform inhumane acts of "science" on unborn children

In a shocking video released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), it was revealed that the University of Pittsburgh has for many years been a major hub for the trafficking for aborted baby organs and body parts. This operation’s success is dependent upon an enormous grant to the college from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) office lead by none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci. The video details gruesome abuse of these murdered babies, all funded for by the United States government through taxpayer dollars.

 “Government-Sponsored Fetal Experimentation at the University of Pittsburgh and Planned Parenthood”

The nearly $500,000 grant funds such experiments as the grafting of aborted baby hair onto living mice, so the hair will continue to grow. Pittsburgh scientists describe this hair as “full thickness human fetal skin, taken from the head and backs of the fetuses”. In a tweet sent after publishing a report to the National Catholic Register on these experiments, author Stacy A. Trasancos described her horrific findings, “Aborted baby scalps grafted onto mice. Their organs transplanted. Humanized mice developed at the University of Pittsburgh, all to study the immune system. Supported by Dr. Fauci’s NIAID. Paid for by us.” In addition, the University of Pittsburgh was shown in the video to have procedures “for harvesting the freshest, most pristine livers from five month-old aborted babies in order to isolate massive numbers of stem cells for experimental transplantation into adults.” These procedures utilize “labor inductions” for the fetuses to be aborted alive so the livers of these murdered babies can be taken for scientific experiments. The university also sponsors the local Planned Parenthood facility, and many doctors who work there went to or are associated with the University of Pittsburgh.

These findings clearly show an utter lack of care for the lives of these five month old babies, and a complete disregard on the part of our government for those millions of taxpayers in this country apposed to the atrocity of abortion. The lives of these children were stolen from them under the guise of “scientific progress”, and without intervention, the University of Pittsburgh and dozens of other universities will be able to continue this wanton slaughter of innocent unborn lives.

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