Twitter user desecrates a hermitage, advertises it as a cruising area for homosexuals

Christians are tired of the continuous attacks always by the same groups. We only ask for the same respect that is given to other citizens.

The Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers has filed a lawsuit against Álvaro López, better known on social networks as Trakatá, for recording and publishing videos degrading to Christians in Cerro de los Ángeles (the video is available here).

The organization of jurists accused the influencer of the crime of profanation (Article 524 of the Penal Code) and another of mockery (Article 525 of the Penal Code). It stated that the defendant accessed the interior of the temple, in the chapel of Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles (Our Lady of the Angels), to advertise it to his followers as a cruising area for homosexuals. It claims that the Twitter user recorded himself pretending to go to confession, drink holy water and record another male masturbating on a pew near the altar.

The Foundation of Christian Lawyers is asking the judge to request the judicial police to identify the defendant’s address.

The president of Christian Lawyers, Polonia Castellanos, pointed out that “it is not the first time that we see how some people try to give themselves publicity by attacking Christians. This is intolerable and also constitutes a crime. We Christians are tired of the continuous attacks always by the same groups. We only ask for the same respect that is given to other citizens. It is intolerable that they appeal to freedom of expression to insult and vex Christians and offend our beliefs.”

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