The wake of woke culture: Johns Hopkins University’s redefinition of lesbian

Leftist university makes ironic attack on its own

The seemingly unending tide of woke culture has now washed over Johns Hopkins University, significantly altering its “LGBTQ Glossary” and, in the process, distorting the term “lesbian”. The renowned Baltimore university now defines a lesbian as a “non-man attracted to non-men.” This new definition obliterates the conventional meaning and fails to recognize the cultural significance of the term in favor of a more generalized and vague interpretation.

The updated guideline overtly sidesteps the term “woman,” disregarding the conventional understanding that a lesbian is a woman who is attracted to other women. This new definition is inclusive of non-binary individuals, yet, in the process, seems to dissolve the distinction represented by the “L” in “LGBTQ.” It is puzzling, and even paradoxical, to observe the self-proclaimed progressive left engaging in what appears to be a war against women, erasing the traditional distinctions within the very community they claim to protect.

This maneuver by Johns Hopkins University hasn’t escaped criticism, most notably from J.K. Rowling, the renowned author of “Harry Potter.” Rowling, herself a liberal feminist, has been an outspoken critic of such extreme identity politics, highlighting the potential pitfalls in the race for unlimited inclusivity. These measures often serve to muddle the discussion, triggering confusion instead of the intended inclusivity.

Ironically, the program director of “LGBTQ+ equity and education” at Johns Hopkins University, Paula Neira, is a transgender man, thus reinforcing a narrative that emphasizes personal identification over biological realities. This might be viewed as a regression to a period devoid of scientific understanding, except this new Dark Age is brightly lit by the neon lights of diversity, equity, and inclusion, where ideology often trumps common sense.

Johns Hopkins University was pressured to remove the LGBTQ Glossary after it sparked controversy online. However, the reporting focused less on the clear absurdity of the university’s message, and more on their capitulation to the backlash. The changes implemented at Johns Hopkins are emblematic of the wider higher education landscape in America, where ideological conformity seems to supersede a commitment to intellectual rigor and dialogue. It’s high time we reconsider the unchecked power wielded by the advocates of woke culture in our educational institutions, corporations, and government, to truly restore our free society.

UPDATE: Johns Hopkins University has withdrawn its disputed definition of “lesbian” in the face of incessant online derision, yet the institution’s website continues to endorse markedly progressive transgender terminology.

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