STOP indoctrination in the classroom

Why are public funds used to promote and impose a political or ideological agenda?

What are they doing with our children, I ask myself in dismay, and what’s behind it all?

All parents are concerned (very concerned) about their children’s education. That is why, as parents, we are aware that they are more and more defenseless and exposed to the attacks and ideological excesses of some. The LGTB lobbies and the parties, organizations and associations that support them and promote the propagation of gender ideology have been engaged for years in a crusade to inculcate their ideas in children. If our children are attacked and hammered with these ideas day after day, year after year, they will all end up thinking the way they want them to.

They are the future. But the future is increasingly uncertain. We have witnessed – once again – how our children, students of a public high school in Móstoles, have been subjected to this ideological hammer.

They go to a public high school where (as is logical) authorization is required to take them on excursions, where they cannot leave unless accompanied, etc., but where, apparently, anyone can come (without parental permission or knowledge!) to convince them that men are oppressors from whose yoke they must free themselves or that they must start taking hormones as soon as possible to begin to be their “true selves”.

This year, my son (who is in the second year of ESO) has suffered this talk, loaded with violence and full of invective and destructive slogans for the person.

Already the woman’s introduction was a declaration of intent: “My name is … and I am a lesbian”. Does my son (or anyone) care about this lady’s sexual orientation?
Last year, another one of my children had to suffer the talk. I then spoke to the director to ask for explanations: why are the families not notified about the subject matter of the “tutorials”, do they know who is coming to speak and what they are going to talk about, who decides on both the topics and the speakers, can parents propose the topics, suggest speakers or decide that our children do not need to receive any of these “tutorials”, and can the children decide anything?

After a lot of discussion and a lot of talking, I managed to get a clear idea: the subjects (especially this type of subjects) and who teaches them are dictated and imposed by the city council! There are no alternatives. And there is no way out.

The children are already aware of the impossibility of fighting. They know they cannot avoid being present. They say they try to think of other things while that person is talking. They are aware that they cannot reply or express themselves if they do not want to be singled out and sanctioned by the school. And someone said we live in a democracy?

I would love to think that the solution is to change my children’s school. But it’s not that easy. Unfortunately, the schools where this ideological steamroller is not allowed to enter are private and, therefore, expensive. We would love to be able to change them, yes, so that they could breathe some fresh air and freedom; but we cannot.

The question that should arise for all of us is: why are public funds being used to promote and impose a political or ideological agenda? Is this not a flagrant violation of parents’ rights to educate our children according to our principles, beliefs and values, or at least, for our children to have an unbiased and objective education?

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