Sickness celebrated: Lizzo’s championing weight gain is further indication of a wounded world **Viewer discretion advised**

Marxists have their own New Year's resolution: keep peddling sickness as healthy, to our destruction. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

It’s like clockwork.

In the days following New Year’s celebrations, it’s a concerted effort put forth by all points media related to get your house in order. And by “house”, we mean “health”.

This year is no different. And yet, it most certainly is.

Actually, it’s been very different these past few years.

This meme from 2019 captures the change –

A piece I penned for about a year ago brought it to further attention –

And just days into 2022, rapper Lizzo charged out of her Instagram gate with a provocative video. Scantily clad, the overweight entertainer sends a message fully cloaked in the wokeism that has infected the culture. She sends the message in dance, in song choice… and in words:


“I gained weight💅🏾 I look TF GOODT😍”

Lizzo is dancing to a song called “Rodeo”. Check that. It’s less a song, and more an exercise in cultural subversion. I’d ask you to take my word for it, but in the case you’d like to do your own research, let it be known that you’ve been warned.

“Rodeo” is very connected to the Instagram post. The message is simple: Lizzo gained weight, it’s not only good but should be celebrated, and in her own imagination–which she purports to be reality–Lizzo’s obesity makes her not only a sex object but worthy of promoting pornography and the objectification of human beings for sexual exploitation.

This isn’t just some one-off celeb making waves to grab attention. Y’know… the old “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”. Make no mistake; this is where the culture is headed. Like a freight train.

It’s a mad world. And it’s a sick world. And before you get too caught up in the video, I’m gonna ask you to dig deeper and see this article for what it is: an attempt to alert folk to the reality that this isn’t a disease of frequent trips to the fridge, but a disease of the soul.

Does a healthy woman do this, while wearing that, at an NBA game?

After all, Lizzo belts out in her 2016 hit “Good as Hell”,

Boss up and change your life
You can have it all, no sacrifice
I know he did you wrong, we can make it right
So go and let it all hang out tonight

Lizzo is actually Melissa Viviane Jefferson. We know she was born in Michigan, raised in Houston, and started her recording career in Minneapolis. We also know the 21-year old Melissa left home in 2009 and lived out of her car after the death of her father. Since then, fame and fortune has come fast and furious; bolstered by the fact that she has also been open-ended about her sexuality (she calls her followers “Lizzbians”) and has thus garnered a massive LGBTQ+ following.

Lizzo may be front and centre, but somewhere deep down in her soul remains Melissa. And somewhere along the way, Melissa was wounded. She has since filled up whatever emptiness she suffered in her early years with vacuous materialism, raunchy sexualism… and a massive following. How many of her “Lizzbians” are impressionable young girls, is anyone’s guess.

And the cycle of Marxist infiltration into the culture continues.

Like clockwork.

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