School board president in California faces alarming threats for supporting parental rights in new policy

Sonja Shaw, the president of the Chino Valley Unified School District Board of Education in California, has been subjected to alarming threats from left-wing activists due to her support for a new school policy. The policy requires school officials to notify parents within three days if their child seeks to “identify” as a gender different from their biological sex, use different pronouns, adopt a different name, or use facilities and participate in sports teams based on their gender identity.

Following the adoption of the policy, Shaw received anonymous phone calls threatening her life and expressing intentions to harm her children and pets. She also received threatening emails and discovered that the terrorist organization Antifa had declared war on her, even posting her address. Police increased patrols around her home for security.

Shaw’s support for the policy stems from her concerns about the erosion of parental rights and the perversion of children by radical education policies. She believes that parental involvement is crucial and that parents should not be kept in the dark about their children’s gender identity or related decisions. She emphasizes that including parents in these conversations is important for the well-being of children and to prevent potential harm.

While the policy has gained support from parental rights advocates and education experts, it has faced backlash from the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus, which is actively working on approaches to override the resolution. However, parents in the district have expressed enthusiastic approval, recognizing the importance of parental involvement and their role in protecting and nurturing their children.

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