Pro-life friar given harsh sentence after blocking abortion clinic

In a recent sentencing hearing, Franciscan friar Stephen Moscinski defended his pro-life activism, stating that every abortion performed on Planned Parenthood’s premises constitutes the deliberate killing of an innocent human being. Moscinski argued that his actions were aimed at preventing the murder of defenseless children and the harm inflicted upon their mothers. He criticized the FACE Act, which cloaks the act of killing preborn children under the guise of “reproductive health care” and is inherently unjust.

Moscinski requested the most lenient sentence possible, hoping the court would mitigate what he perceived as an injustice. However, the judge handed down the most severe sentence, citing Moscinski’s past pro-life activism and previous arrests as justifications for the decision. The incident for which Moscinski was sentenced took place at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Hempstead, New York, where he temporarily shut down the facility by placing locks, chains, and glue on the entrance. After authorities broke through the locks, Moscinski obstructed the entrance by lying down in front of it to prevent cars from entering.

Moscinski’s actions reflect the growing outrage among Christians and conservatives at the unchecked epidemic of abortions in the United States, especially in liberal states such as New York. The overturning of Roe vs. Wade was a monumental step, but actions such as Fr. Monscinski’s are necessary until the evil of abortion is eradicated.

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