Pro-choice “Catholic” group displays message on the D.C. cathedral

“Pro-choice Catholics, you are not alone.” So read a message projected on the side of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, set up by the group Catholics for Choice.

“1 in 4 abortion Patients is Catholic,” proclaimed another projection, this time up and down the bell tower, alternating with others that read, “Stop stigmatizing” and “Start listening.”

John Becker, the spokesperson for Catholics for Choice, said the group had a permit to use the pedestrian island across the street from the basilica for the publicity stunt. “So we secured all the necessary paperwork with the city. It was all above board and we made sure we did everything by the book and respectfully.”

However Catholic leaders have stood against this so called “respectful” protest.

Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco called out this protest for what it really is, “Diabolical”.

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