Planned Parenthood faces backlash, limits Twitter responses after tweet claiming “Abortion is Healthcare”

A post by Planned Parenthood declaring “abortion is healthcare” sparked a wave of backlash, leading the organization to limit responses on their tweet. The post featured a meme asking “Where does it hurt?” and, using red to symbolize pain, it equated the physical discomfort of ailments like headaches and stomachaches with the supposed emotional distress of hearing “abortion is not healthcare.”

Before they limited replies, the post prompted a flood of criticism. Critics rebutted the assertion made by Planned Parenthood, with many emphatically stating that abortion is not healthcare. They expressed their views passionately, highlighting the rights of unborn children, and expressing hopes of ceasing Planned Parenthood’s operations.

When the account restricted the option to reply, critics continued to voice their views via the quote feature on Twitter. One user commented on the rights of the unborn babies, while another equated abortion with acts of violence like carpet bombing. Another user made a bold analogy, claiming that abortion as healthcare is akin to decapitation as pain relief.

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