PinkNews founders accused of sexual misconduct by staff

The heads of PinkNews, a leading LGBT news website, have been accused of multiple instances of sexual misconduct. Benjamin Cohen and Anthony James, who claim to have been “married” since 2018, allegedly engaged in inappropriate behavior towards junior staff members. James was accused of kissing and touching an intoxicated colleague, who colleagues believe was unable to give consent.

Founded in 2005, PinkNews has been instrumental in endorsing and mobilizing support for LGBT causes, most notably, the redefinition of marriage. The site’s annual awards ceremony often sees attendance from high-profile political figures, including prime ministers. However, more than 30 PinkNews staff members allege that a culture of excessive drinking resulted in inappropriate conduct by Cohen and James.

The allegations leveled against Cohen and James include instances of bullying and misogyny, and it has been reported that James was seen groping and kissing an inebriated junior staff member. Another staffer claimed that Cohen invited him back to his room when James was absent. Staff feared potential job loss if they reported the incidents, and many chose to stay silent to protect the organization’s reputation.

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