Oregon track and field Coach John Parks terminated for voicing concerns over transgender athletes in girls’ sports

Oregon track and field coach John Parks was reportedly let go from Lake Oswego High School after voicing concerns over laws about transgender athletes. He claimed that he was dismissed after sending two letters to an official from the Oregon Student Activities Association and multiple ones to State Senator Rob Wagner. In these correspondences, Parks suggested that current laws compromise the integrity of girls’ sports.

In the letters, Parks advocated for aligning Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) rules with the International Olympic Committee’s hormone testing mandates to level the playing field.

While the Lake Oswego School District confirmed Parks’ termination, it refrained from explaining its motives, stating they do not address personnel matters, leaving Parks preparing to appeal against the decision. He stated, “I’m going to fight now because I got wronged. I… am fighting for girls, I’m fighting for female sports, and I’m fighting that it be fair for everybody.”

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